TDAE has always supported the goals of our clients, from injury recovery, specific training for events, weight loss, and overall physical conditioning. We understand the importance of strengthening the physical body, but also value mental training as an integral component of enhanced health and wellbeing. Our coaching staff has already completed an 8-week mindfulness training and will continue to practice and hone their mindfulness skills.
Now we’re excited to begin the roll out of similar teaching and learning opportunities for our clients in the coming weeks and months. Mindfulness practice is an accessible and worthwhile tool, not only to help you get the most out of your training, but also to support overall health and wellness in your daily life.
WHat is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the ability to be fully engaged in the present moment, with both kindness and curiosity about whatever thoughts, feelings, or sensations exist. It is an enhanced awareness and acceptance of yourself, others, and the world around you. It is the polar opposite of being on auto-pilot, but instead is a way of being that allows you to skillfully manage and regulate your responses to your environment. When we are mindful, we are more tuned in, focused, and present in our lives, which ultimately enables us to be more calm and less stressed.
What is meditation?
Meditation is the foundational mental training and building block of living more mindfully. There are many different types of meditation and various techniques, but all train our attention and focus, and all require practice for us to see their benefits and results. Mindfulness-based meditation practice teaches us, through various breathing, focus, and compassion exercises, to have more agency over our thoughts and behavior. Meditation is a practice that helps us to develop the skills to live more mindfully.
How do we become more mindful?
Have you ever stood on the beach and looked out towards the waves and sky with a sense of wonder or calm, nothing else on your mind but the beautiful vista, the sound and smell of the surf, and the feeling of the sand beneath your feet? That is a mindful moment. Of course, it’s relatively easy to feel relaxed or connected in peaceful places, but infinitely more difficult in challenging ones. So, while on your own you can begin to recognize the beauty in the world around you, the reality is that it takes training and practice to really make mindfulness a habit. Learning basic mindfulness and meditation skills, and transferring and applying those skills in everyday life, strengthens our mindfulness muscles.
What do Mindfulness Coaches Do?
A Mindfulness Coach is trained in various techniques and teachings to guide clients in discovering and developing their own mindful practices. The key word here is practice. Just like your coach at the gym, we can’t do the work for you, but we can support you in the inner work that is fundamental to mental training. This involves learning how to practice with curiosity, and with an open mind that is free of judgment. Mindful coaching acknowledges our shared human values of wanting to live our lives with more ease, less stress and anxiety, more self-regulation, more joy, and more kindness and compassion.
Next Steps
If you’re interested in mindfulness coaching, please contact Meredith Tedford about the opportunities we offer. You can email Meredith by clicking the button below. Or, if you train in person with us you can also stop in during Meredith’s office hours.
Office Hours: Mondays 7:45am - 10:15am & Tuesdays 8:00am - 11:00am